
Our online Quran translation course at Al Umar Quran Institute enables students to learn and memorize the translation of the Quran word for word in Urdu or English languages. The Holy Quran is the basis of Divine knowledge and the key to success in both worlds. It is the word of ALLAH, addressing all of mankind. It is the most sacred speech that unravels the utmost depth of Divine wisdom, an endless sea of knowledge, the peak of enlightenment, and an ultimate source of guidance for every single living being.

The Significance of Translation

The Quran is a complete code of conduct that covers every aspect of life. In order to understand the word of ALLAH, every Muslim must learn the translation of the Quran in their native language. The Quran is not just for recitation for the sake of rewards from the Almighty. A believer is rather asked to read the Quran and ponder over the message. Allah says in the Quran: ”Then do they not reflect upon the Quran or are there locks upon their hearts?” (Surah Mohammad verse 24).

One should read the Quran contemplating the depth of each ayah so that the meaning of each word would penetrate the mind, which is possible only when you understand the meaning of the Divine book. Therefore, taking up a Quran translation course is extremely important. When a believer reflects upon the verses of the Quran, their heart and soul are filled with peace and the light of its pure guidance. To learn the Quran for the sake of understanding is so fulfilling and comforting for the soul. 


Every Muslim believes that the Quran is the supreme guidance, healer of ailing souls, comfort for aching hearts, and the only light at the end of the tunnel. But unfortunately, there are only a few of us who are able to understand the Quran while reciting it. Since Arabic is not a native language for all Muslims, one of the gateways towards understanding the word of ALLAH is through a Quran translation course. Moreover, it should be taken up in a word-for-word Quran translation format.

Importance of Learning Quran Translation

Understanding the literary meaning of the Quran is paramount for a believer; it serves as a direct conduit to finding guidance within the Holy Book. Every single word in the Quran encapsulates an open and lucid message towards true faith and guidance. Allah Pak conveys in Surah Al-Baqara:

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah. Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them. And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true guidance), from their Lord and it is these who will prosper.”

[Al-Baqara – 2:2-5]

When one engages in the process of learning or teaching the Holy Quran, the doors to spiritual awakening, peace, and serenity begin to open within their heart. It is well-known that the Holy Quran molds the character of its adherents in an unparalleled and exemplary manner. It instills mindfulness regarding one’s deeds in the context of the eternal life that lies ahead and guides them along the righteous path. Those who seek direction from the Holy Book acquire the ability to discern between right and wrong, all by the grace of the Almighty.

“And indeed We have made the Quran easy for direction and guidance, but is there anyone who will take advice?”

(Sura Al-Qamar 54, verse # 17)

Furthermore, reciting and comprehending the message of ALLAH draws one closer to the Lord. The connection between the soul and its Creator is forged in a more focused and profound manner. Faith is fortified when the message is perceived in its literal form in real-time.

Word for Word Quran Translation

Quran Translation Course – Learning Word for Word Quran Translation

Learning word for word Quran translation is a really effective way to understand the Quran. Our experienced and knowledgeable Quran tutors offer this special course at Al Umar Quran Institute. They teach you the Holy Book in a way that you remember the translation as you go along. In this style of translation, you learn the meaning of each word in the verses. Every word you learn is like a new addition to your vocabulary. So, when you come across the same word again, you already know what it means. By the end of this Quran translation course, you’ll understand the meanings of the verses without having to look at a translation. That’s because it’s already in your memory from learning it along the way.

Who Should Take This Course?

We encourage everyone to try this Word for Word Quran translation course because it helps you understand better, learn more, and brings peace and blessings from the Holy Quran. This course is especially good for professionals or those who have finished their regular studies or personal/professional goals. We believe that true contentment and wisdom come from learning, which is a gift from ALLAH Almighty for us to think about and learn from. So, sign up for this wonderful Quran translation course today. We promise you’ll find clearer thinking, a calm heart, and a positive change from within, IN SHA ALLAH. If you haven’t learned Quran with tajweed yet, you might want to take a look at our course for that too. Al Umar Quran Institute works hard to make the knowledge of the Quran easy for everyone in their everyday life.